This is the continuing story.
Boaz is a close relative of Naomi's husbands family. He is therefore obliged by Levirite law to marry Mahlon's widow,
Ruth in order to carry on his family line. Naomi sends Ruth to
the threshing floor at night and tells her to uncover the feet of
the sleeping Boaz. Ruth does so, Boaz awakes and asks, ''who are you?'' Ruth answers him by identifying herself, then asks Boaz
to spread his cloak over her. ''Spreading your cloak.'' was a womans way of asking for marriage.
For a man to spread his cloak over a woman showed acquisition
of that woman. Boaz states he is willing to redeem Ruth via marriage, but tells Ruth that there is another male relative who
has the first right of redemption.
To be continued.
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